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Choosing an Indoor Fireplace to Increase Your Comfort

Indoor Fireplace blazing log on fire

If you’re interested in enhancing the look and feel of your living space, an indoor fireplace is a great addition. This installation adds welcome warmth as well as a charming ambiance that’s sure to elevate the comfort and appeal in any part of the home. Here are some options you need to know about.

Wood Indoor Fireplaces

Wood fireplaces are the most traditional option for heating your home. They offer all the ambiance of days gone by with their distinctive smell of wood smoke. Since wood fireplaces need no electricity, they make a great backup source of light and heat in the event of a power outage. Wood-burning fireplaces are also more affordable to operate than most gas or electric options, particularly if you have a ready source of wood on your property. 

A wood fireplace is only a cost-effective option if you have an existing chimney in place. If you’re adding the entirety of the fireplace to your home, you’ll need extensive masonry to create a wood-burning fireplace. You should also consider a fireplace screen or doors to keep stray embers from jumping out. Although the masonry work can be expensive, this type of fireplace adds great value to your home should you choose to sell it.

Gas Fireplaces 

A gas fireplace burns propane or natural gas instead of wood. This type of fireplace often features a faux log to create the same look as a wood-burning fireplace, but you won’t have the crackle of the wood burning or the distinctive smell of wood smoke to accompany your fire. For some, this is a welcome change. Gas fireplaces are safer and easier to control than wood-burning ones. If you want a particularly modern look, you can even opt for a gas fireplace that burns on a sleek flat surface rather than a fake log.

Gas fireplaces produce more heat than wood-burning or electric fireplaces, making them the best option if you want to functionally heat your home with this type of installation. If you have a chimney in your home, you can install a direct-vent gas fireplace. This sends all smoke out of the home. If you don’t have a chimney, you’ll need to opt for a ventless gas fireplace. This will release a small amount of smoke into the home, but far less than a wood-burning fire. You should limit burning time for a ventless gas fireplace to six hours a day.

Electric Fireplaces

Electric fireplaces provide fast, efficient heating much like an electric heater. Electric fireplaces attempt to mimic the look and feel of a fire using faux logs, digital flames, and colored lights. However, there is no actual fire involved. Instead, electric fireplaces feature coils that heat up when electricity passes through them.

Electric fireplaces are quick and easy to install. They’re an incredibly affordable option because you don’t need to worry about vents or chimneys. You don’t even have to install this fireplace permanently in your home. Some stand alone and simply plug into the wall. Unfortunately, an electric fireplace has a shorter lifespan than a wood-burning or gas fireplace, but their affordable upfront cost offsets much of this inconvenience.

Fireplace Inserts

You can get a fireplace insert that’s wood-burning, gas, or electric. The insert itself is an iron or steel box with a glass door that fits inside your existing fireplace to increase energy efficiency. Gas and electric inserts are the easiest to use, as they require minimal maintenance and provide warmth at the push of a button. A wood-burning insert is more high-maintenance.

Design Considerations

You’ll find an abundance of fireplace designs to choose from regardless of the fuel source. A traditional fireplace sits within the wall with a hearth in front and a mantle above. These have a distinctly rustic look and feel, offering the traditional charm that people typically expect from a fireplace. If you’re interested in something more modern, however, you can choose options like a:

  • Multi-view fireplace to see the fire from two or more sides at once.
  • Firebox-only fireplace that lacks the typical glass found with gas fireplaces.
  • Contemporary fireplace featuring gas or electric fire over stones, rocks, or a smooth surface.

Adding an indoor fireplace to your home can truly change the atmosphere, providing warmth, ambiance, and even a woody smell if you go with a real wood-burning option. Shop our selection of fireplace accessories to create the ideal aesthetic for your new home installation.

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Jazz Up Your Space With Upgraded Fireplace Doors

Get a Fresh Look by Upgrading to one of these beautiful Fireplace Doors

Your fireplace is a natural focal point of the home. If it’s not complimenting your decor the way you’d like, consider installing new doors to get a fresh look and upgraded appeal.

Corner Multi-Side Fireplace Doors

Two-sided corner fireplace doors add interest and depth to your fireplace. This type of door allows you to view the glowing fire from multiple angles, so you can fully appreciate its charming ambiance. If your home has a deep mantle with space for this type of feature, it’s hard to go wrong with a multi-side fireplace door upgrade. You’ll find that your fireplace instantly looks larger and more impressive. Use this type of door to amplify the effect of a centrally-located fireplace or to add more visibility for a corner fireplace. 

If you’ve been thinking about installing fireplace doors with a blower, this multi-sided door may present a welcome alternative. You’ll have greater access to the flames so you can stoke the fire more effectively while still maintaining complete control.

Banded Scroll Fireplace Doors

An elegant banded scroll fireplace door makes your fireplace more decorative even when it’s not actively burning. It’s not practical to keep a fire burning at all times, so you want to choose a fireplace door that will look lovely even when the grate is cold. A banded scroll fireplace door design incorporates beautiful decorative scrollwork with a bronze finish for unparalleled sophistication.

Upgrading your fireplace with a decorative design reinforces the fireplace as a focal point of your living space. Use this approach for any refined living area where you want to create a cultured environment. Pair these scrollwork doors with a white painted mantle adorned with lush floral arrangements and sleek sculptures.

Blacksmith Fireplace Doors

If you’re upgrading your fireplace doors in a rustic living space, blacksmith doors are the perfect choice. This design emphasizes fine metalwork with old-world touches that immediately hearken back to simpler times. Elements like large decorative hinges and elaborate handles add interest to this style. With an arched shape, this door style frames your fire beautifully, creating an image that’s as charming as any painting.

Pair blacksmith-style doors with other rustic elements around your fireplace like a heavy butcher block-style mantle and timeless metal lantern candle holders. Exposed wood and brick enhance this type of home decor perfectly, serving as the ideal complement to your blacksmith doors.

Craftsman Fireplace Doors

Craftsman-style doors feature a window pane design with a simple rectangular frame around your fireplace. This classic look fits with nearly any style home. If you’re upgrading your fireplace to help you sell your home, this is a great option because the look is flexible enough to suit a variety of personal decorating styles. Clean and timeless, this option provides an open view of the fire with just enough added decoration to enhance the overall appearance of the fireplace. The mantel-style door is a very similar option with a little extra detailing along the top of the door.

Moderne Fireplace Doors

Moderne doors over the fireplace complement any contemporary home design. Modern home designs are all about clean lines, sleek spaces, and stark minimalism. The Moderne Original door features a brushed silver-colored frame and four glass panes. Lacking any other decorative elements, this type of door lets the fire blaze in all its glory with nothing to take away from this bright focal point. 

If you prefer something a little more futuristic, the Moderne Roller offers an intriguing approach with two separate panes that roll toward or away from each other. The Moderne Slim Frame is as minimalist as it gets with one small, slim frame around the fire that’s hardly noticeable. With a modern fireplace, you may forgo the traditional mantel altogether. Leave the space above the fireplace empty or use it to hang a stunning painting or large flat-screen TV. Pare down on the knickknacks and let the simplicity of the space speak for itself.

If you’re interested in upgrading your home, check out Houston Home Patio. This fireplace store in Houston carries all these styles and more to help you take your home to the next level. Whether you’re working with a rustic old-world look or a sleek contemporary space, we have fireplace features that will fit your environment.

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5 Reasons Why a Fire Pit is a Must

OW Lee Metrop Fire Pit

Looking for the perfect addition to your Wicker Patio Furniture the woodlands? A fire pit is an excellent choice for virtually every outdoor setting. By adding this must-have accent piece to your collection, you can enjoy numerous perks while improving your patio or yard atmosphere.

Stay Cozy During the Winter Months

Enjoying the great outdoors shouldn’t have to stop when the weather turns chilly. Your new fire pit will help you, and your guests stay warm on those cool autumn and winter nights. Cozy up to the comforting heat so you can experience the beauty of nature year-round. In extreme cold or wet conditions, it’s always nice to be able to retreat to an indoor fireplace. We’ve got options for that as well. 

Create a Relaxing Haven in Your Backyard

There’s no denying that the calming glow of fire helps melt more than just marshmallows. Sitting in front of the warm display can help relieve stress while providing the perfect place to unwind and relax after a long day. Adding a fire pit can turn any space into a haven of rest and relaxation.

Provide Fun and Entertainment for Your Guests

If you love entertaining friends and family, our comfortable and fashionable Pool Furniture the woodlands creates the perfect setting for your guests. When adding a fire pit to the mix, you can provide hours of fun for all ages to enjoy. From fireside chats to games and snacks, it’s the perfect spot for spending time with others.

Add Function and Beauty to Your Outdoor SpaceOwlee Classico Outdoor seating

When partnered with Wicker Patio Furniture the woodlands, an outdoor fire pit creates a stylish and stunning display in any outdoor space. Whether you prefer the rustic look of our Lucca line or are drawn to the sleek finish of the Metrop style, fire pits can make any area more beautiful while adding the benefits of warmth, light, and entertainment.

Revel in Natural Light No Matter Where You Live

Whether you have a huge backyard in the country or just a small patio in the city, fire pits are ideal in practically any setting. They’re also an effective and energy-efficient way to light up the dark. You can enjoy the beautiful, natural light wherever you live!

From Wicker Patio Furniture the woodlands and fire pits to stunning outdoor decor, Houston Home and Patio is your source for creating the perfect outdoor entertainment space. Contact us today to learn more about our quality products and designs. We’re here to help you transform any outdoor area into the space of your dreams.


learn more about Fun Ideas for Fire Pits Houston


5 Reasons Why a Fire Pit is a Must | Houston Home and Patio – Houston, TX